
the busy week is past

i tot i can relax more

but it's just a dream

another busy day coming soon

i suddenly get essay, IT assignment, MMH presentation, economy assignment

finally i use one day finish essay

but then is very worse

my writing was suck!!

and i noe i will get low mark for it

IT assignment

i was so happy i can finish it

it was the only assignment that i very proud of it

coz i feel what i do is very nice^^

for the mmh


today i sit for whole day

just for this

so difficult

have to find all history of the media

thousand of it

my eyes also pain ady


more cham


the question i also cant understand

how can i do it?


the teacher want use pass up when holiday?

that means want us pass up be holiday jek

so track ppl

just one week

how to do wor..

die lo...


my interview of aiesec success jor

more meeting coming soon


chinese society prepare to have a mooncake festival

i have to be the commitee jor

die lo

i have to cut my self into few piece

if not

how can i done all of this?!!

busy ar busy

tired tired tired!!!
damn tired weih
because i study,presentation,join new club, and orchestra performance
1st time feel my 24 hours is so so so full of appointment
quite satisfy
i hope other day also like that
because i dun hope my life and my time so waste
say about the new club
is cal AIESEC
got 60 years history already
is a nice club
because not everyone can join
u must interview
they feel suitable
den only can join
after u join
u will start busy
got many project to do
with others big company
to gain leader ship
apportunity of working experience
teamwork learning
and many many value things also can learn from this club
no matter how hard to join this club
i will try my best
to join this club
and start my 1st project
gain as many as i can
to be a superwoman!!